Two weeks after Cason got home from San Diego we had to go up to Children's Hospital in Denver to get a VP shunt put in. His pediatrician thought that his head circumference was getting too big too quickly (he wasn't showing any other symptoms) so she thought that it was urgent to get him up to Denver and get a shunt put in. So Cason and I got life flighted up to Denver on June 17th and Calvin and Austin drove up. He got the shunt put in on June 19th. There were a couple of complications; he had to re-intubated after surgery (because he was not breathing very well) and a few days after his surgery he had some hemorrhaging and seizures. This was a very scary time for because we did not know how severe an effect this was going to have on him. He is now on seizure medication and recovered beautifully. We had to stay in Denver a few extra days and were so relieved that he recovered as well as he did. We only have the Lord to thank that our miracle is alive and doing AMAZING!!!! This little angel definitely has a purpose on this earth and I am soooo thankful to be around to witness it. Cason came back to Durango still on oxygen and just was able to get off it around the middle of July.
His ROP is clearing up very nicely and he has the biggest, most beautiful eyes that are constantly looking around and taking in the view!
The last time we went to the doctors (mid July) he was 10lbs and I am guessing that now he is around 12lbs and he loves to eat!
We have physical therapists that come to our house and work with him. This is all preventive so that he has the best chance possible at developing "normally". Right now he smiles, coos, loves to be held (a bit spoiled actually), lifts his head up, put his hands together, swats/grabs at toys, tracks toys and people and screams when he is not happy. Cason also LOVES to be up during the middle of the night. Like clockwork around 2:30am he gets up to eat and then expectantly stares at me with his big brown eyes waiting for me to entertain him!
Here are some of the latest pictures this summer...