Cason is doing wonderfully. He now weighes 3.3 lbs. So some people have asked what his original measurements were and we are not quite sure because they think that he was mismeasured. They had the measurement 3lbs 12oz and 15 inches long when he was born. I think this is what either what the paramedics weighed him at or maybe the hopsital but then his weight decreased significantly the next day so they think it was a mistake. The nurses have not been clear with us if they will mark the 3lbs 12oz his official weight or not.
His feeding are going wonderfully and he is up to 22mls a feeding. They foresee him being on full feedings [28mls] by Wednesday [4/14/10]. He has come off of the liquid multivitamin because he is recieving enough nutrition from the breast milk. He will stay on the lipids [fats] til he reaches a full feeding so that he may continue to gain weight.
His nasal cannula is still in place and he is doing well on that. His lungs are still underdeveloped so sometimes he forgets to breathe but always recovers nicely. They give preemies caffeine to help them remember to breathe while they are in this stage.
His head circumference has increased a marginally [on Friday 4/9/10] so they are still on alert for Hydrocephalus. They will continue to monitor this closely by measuring his head circumference and doing weekly head ultrasounds. This weekend his head circumferences were stable so that is a good sign.
Other than that he just busy growing and being cute. We have continued our skin to skin care every night and he seems to really enjoy that. He lets out loud, mad cry every time the nurses have to take him off our chests and put him back in his little bed. Calvin and I have never been so happy to hear a baby cry.