Thursday, April 8, 2010


Cason getting his diaper changed [he is not a fan]
Skin to skin [he kept peeking at us]

Cason is now 15 days old and is doing really well. He is eating up about 13mls of breast milk every 3 hours now and is starting to gain weight. He now weighes 3.14lbs. His goal for feeding is get up to 26mls a feeding. [That is a full calorie feeding] In a few weeks [if he continues to do well with his feeding] they will start to feed them with a bottle. This is sometimes a challenge for preemies because they have to coordinate suck, swallow, breathe. After he is comfortable with a bottle we will try breastfeeding. This is still a few weeks away.

He is definately starting to grow and open his eyes and yawn and act like a baby. He is aslo off CPAP and is on a nasal cannula, which is less invasive, more comfortable and a step down from CPAP. His heartrate has also come down from 180's/190's to 150's/160's. The doctors had to give him some caffeine last week and they think that the caffeine has left his body and therefore regulated his heartrate. Calvin and I have continued to do 1-2 hours of skin to skin every night and he is still responding phenomenally. He does get mad when we have to put him back and sometimes cries. He definately has lungs like his big brother, Austin.

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