Saturday, April 3, 2010

4/3/10 Update

On Friday 4/2/10 Cason started recieving colostrum [the first of mom's breast milk] and has tolerated it very well. He started with 1 mililiter every 6 hours and has done so well with it that he has increased his feeding times to every three hours and just recieved 3 mls this afternoon [4/3/10]. It sounds like Cason is going to be just like his big brother, a milk monster!

Cason is slowly coming off of his breathing support. He was extubated with a ventilator [tiny tube] down his throat that offered him quite a bit of breathing support. He is now on what they call CPAP which goes in his nose. This basically puts pressure in his nose to remind him to breath. CPAP is a bit uncomfortable and and the tubing is bulky. If he continues to do well he will be moved down to a smaller, more comfortable nasal tube.

Cason's head ultrsounds are also stable and after close monitoring this week the blood in his ventricles in his head are stable and don't look like they are expanding. This is a huge victory for us. We are still praying but this is a huge sigh of relief. He will now get head ultrasounds weekly instead of daily.

I have gotten to do four skin to skin sessions so far and he is responding very well. The nurses are all very pleased with how tolerant he is [many preemies do not tolerate handling and feeding so well]. Tonight 4/3/10 Calvin is going to get some skin to skin time with Cason, we are very excited that they encourage both of us to actively particpate in skin to skin time.

I will post new pictures soon.

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